Actual Teaching / Day 4


Actual Teaching / Day 4

Today is my last teaching , I have a quiz for them and the topic is Mitosis and Meiosis.  I'm teaching in 3 sections 
- 07.20 - 08.20 AM. in Grade 8 - Azalea (SSC)
- 09.40 - 10.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Dahlia
- 10.40 - 11.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Sampaguita (SSC)

Today I prepare my quiz 10 items for they do a quiz for check they understanding. When finished I let them pass the paper to the center and I'm the one who read the correct answer.  The score that they got is satisfactory for me , the highest score is 10 and the lowest score is 6. After finished class I had a chance to talked with students for exchange opinion about our country, then take a picture for the last meet.And they also gave me a song and some gift, this my great memory.

My cooperating teacher Ma'am Claudette May B. Mora

In the afternoon we showed the Philippine folk dance ( tiklos and majorette ) and also showed Thai traditional dance by Long mae ping song , After that got a certificate from USANT. When finished the activities in closing program , we were going to eat dinner with the Vice-president at restaurant. 
