Assistant teaching / Day 3


Assistant teaching / Day 3

Today is the third day for my assistant teaching in Mitosis topic , I'm teaching in 3 sections include
- 07.20 - 08.20 AM in Grade 8 - Azalea (SSC) 
- 09.40 - 10.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Dahlia 
- 10.40 - 11.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Sampaguita (SSC)
For today I review the old content about the stages of mitosis and comparison of mitosis in Plant and animal Cells. After that gave a quiz 15 items for them, when finished i let them pass the paper to the center and switch paper with classmate then going to check by i'm the one who read the answer, last teacher be the one who record the score. And say goodbye class.

At 03.00 - 05.00 the afternoon i must to practice Philippine folk dance at forum. I have two dance for practice 1.Majorette 2.Tiklos for Indonesian students they have 1.Tiklos 2.Carinosa 
