Actual Teaching / Day 3


Actual Teaching / Day 3

Today is the third actual teaching for me and the topic is Meiosis . I'm teaching in 3 sections 
- 07.20 - 08.20 AM. in Grade 8 - Azalea (SSC)
- 09.40 - 10.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Dahlia
- 10.40 - 11.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Sampaguita (SSC)

For today I taught about Oogenesis by drawing the diagram of Oogenesis and Comparision of Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis table on the big paper then stick on the board. After explained I let's them to do group activities by drawing the diagram 20 minutes then come to present. After that gave 10 minutes for students to summarize and send the notebook to me to check and also gave my signature. And told them tomorrow we'll have a quiz then said goodbye class.

In the afternoon I practice Philippine folk dance , this is the last day for practice and show it tomorrow.
