Assistant teaching / Day 2


Assistant teaching / Day 2

Today is the second day for my assistant teaching in mitosis topic, I teach in 4 sections include
- 07.20 - 08.20 AM in Grade 8 - Azalea (SSC) 
- 09.40 - 10.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Dahlia 
- 10.40 - 11.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Sampaguita (SSC)
- 03.00 - 04.00 PM. in Grade 8 - Bougainvillea 
They pray before start the class and teacher check attendance and then I be the one who review the content yesterday and continue the topic "Comparison of Mitosis in Plant and Animal Cells" I have the big paper stick on the board by draw the picture then teaching and explained after that check assignment 5 questions and checked their notebook and also gave my signature into notebook.

In the afternoon I'm did't go to teach Bougainvillea because my coordinator said I'm must practice Philippine folk dance at 03.00 PM. at forum for show in closing program.
