Assistant teaching / Day 1


Assistant teaching / Day 1

Today is the first day for my assistant teaching in Mitosis topic , I'm teaching in 4 sections include
- 07.20 - 08.20 AM in Grade 8 - Azalea (SSC) 
- 09.40 - 10.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Dahlia 
- 10.40 - 11.40 AM. in Grade 8 - Sampaguita (SSC)
- 03.00 - 04.00 Grade 8 - Bougainvillea 
firstly they pray and then i try to be the one who check attendance after said greeting.I asked them "Do you know what is mitosis" then I let's them think about that and explain step by step start from Interphase and stages of mitosis ( Prophase,Metaphase,Anaphase,Telophase) I drawing the picture about cell cycle and stages of mitosis on the paper then stick on the board and also used hand symbol for easy to remember the stages of mitosis.
After that I let's them to play game by said "Who has red pencil? " then who has it can answer my questions by rise they hand, when they got correct answer i gave 2 chocolate for them. The last summarize the content and let them record into their notebook.
